Considerate, Dedicated, Friendly describes this amateur radio operator, Dennis Brucks. Dennis served his community, participated in local amateur events, and enjoyed a rag chew (QSO) with his fellow amateur (ham) operators on HF, VHF-2 meters, and UHF-440 MHz. Dennis was a member of American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and Moreno Valley Amateur Radio Association (MVARA). I believe, he served the MVARA as president back in early 1990’s.
It is my understanding that Dennis was a long term resident of Moreno Valley graduating Moreno Valley High School and spending a lifetime in the automotive retail tire business covering a 40 year period. Within the last few years he retired and moved to Florida. His move did not impede him from keeping in touch with his MVARA friends that he so treasured. The magnificence of amateur radio.
Dennis started his communication vocation as an ardent CB’er until bitten by the ham bug. Dennis was passionate about amateur radio. He liked to rag chew on HF especially 10 meter Single Sideband (SSB) after checking into the local MVARA net. Many other times, you would hear KC6FJC calling for another ham on the local 2 meter and 440 MHz repeaters. His call sign KC6FJC was used often on the Field Day Get On The Air (GOTA) station. He provided his own transceiver for the GOTA station and as station operator gave him opportunity to elmer newly licensed and non-licensed individuals giving them first-hand experience on an amateur radio transceiver. Besides his yearning for field day; he relished his Commodore 64, reveled in packet radio, and participated in many an Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) activity.
Dennis you are already missed! Your thoughtfulness, dedication, and openness to your local amateurs, MVARA, and the amateur radio world will never be forgotten.
I heard Dennis was two acknowledgement card’s (QSL Card) short of Worked all States (WAS). To you Dennis, I dedicate this story The Old DXer.
The sunspots were roaring and the Old Dxer was working DX night and day. The faithful XYL had had it with his QRZing and blew her stack. "DX DX DX - thats all you ever think about!" she groaned "Why I'll bet you don't even remember our wedding date!! "I mostly certainly do" was the immediate reply. "It was June 14th, 1958 - Thats the night I worked the XT1, the CRØ, and the AC6!! -- By AC6V